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Why Reciprocity is Like a Boomerang | Eliot Hoppe

January 24, 20243 min read

"Don't waste your time and energy on negative actions, for they will come back to haunt you,"- unknown


The Law of Reciprocity is the underlying principle behind many of the sales and marketing

techniques that we use today. Essentially, this law tells us that people are more likely to do

something for us if we have already done something for them. If we give first, we are more likely

to receive in return. But what if we think of the Law of Reciprocity as a boomerang? Something

that we throw out with the expectation that it will always come back to us, stronger and faster

than ever before. Let's explore this metaphor and see how we can use it to supercharge our

sales and lead others with confidence.

A boomerang always returns.

When we throw a boomerang, we do it with the expectation that it will always return to us. In the

same way, when we give something to someone with the expectation of receiving in return, we

are more likely to get a positive response. But it's important to remember that the boomerang

has to be thrown with intention and skill. In the same way, our acts of reciprocity must be

genuine and thoughtful if we want them to come back to us.

A boomerang gains momentum as it travels.

As a boomerang travels through the air, it gains momentum and speed. It becomes harder and

harder to catch as it returns to us. Similarly, when we give something to someone with the

expectation of receiving in return, that act gains momentum and becomes more powerful over

time. The more we give, the more we receive in return. But it's important to remember that we

can't give with the expectation of receiving immediately. We must be patient and let our acts of

reciprocity build over time.

A boomerang can be shared with others.

When we throw a boomerang, we can share the experience with others. We can teach them

how to throw it, catch it, and enjoy it. Similarly, when we give something to someone with the

expectation of receiving in return, we can share that experience with others. We can teach them

how to give with intention and how to build strong relationships based on mutual trust and


A boomerang can be used for good or bad.

Finally, like the Law of Reciprocity, a boomerang can be used for good or bad. We can use it to

build relationships and create positive experiences, or we can use it to manipulate and deceive

others. It's up to us to use it wisely and with good intentions.


In conclusion, the Law of Reciprocity is like a boomerang because it always returns, gains

momentum as it travels, can be shared with others, and can be used for good or bad. In order to

supercharge our sales and lead others with confidence, we must approach the Law of

Reciprocity with intention, humility, and a deep respect for the power of human connection. By

giving with the expectation of receiving in return, we can create strong relationships based on

mutual trust and respect. And like a boomerang, those relationships will come back to us

stronger and faster than ever before.

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